Retrieve artibles from PubMed using their PubMed ID

This service retrieves articles from PubMed using NCBI Entrez APIs, and generates an RDF representation thereof. Article are identified by their PubMed identifier (PMID) provided using property bibo:pmid.

The graph produced relies mainly on the Bibiographic Ontology (BIBO) and FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology (FaBiO). An article IRI is preferably based on its DOI, if any, prefixed with If no DOI is available, the IRI is PubMed's web page URL prefixed with Authors are represented as separate triples with dct:creator, as well as an ordered list with bibo:authorList.

See modeling details.

Canonical URL
Input argument
PubMed identifier. Mandatory.
Passed as the object of predicate
Example value: 22368089
Service Description graph
SHACL shapes graph
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