SPARQL micro-service to retrieve from GBIF the synonyms of a taxon using its name identifier (GBIF key)

This service retrieves the list of synonyms of a taxon from GBIF's backbone taxonomy (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). It takes as input the accepted name identifier (GBIF key) provided using property dwc:acceptedNameUsageID.

In the graph produced, the taxon is represented as an instance of the dwc:Taxon class, related to the synonyms with the property. Each synonym comes with the following information: scientific name (dwc:scientificName and dwc:scientificNameID), scientific name authorship (dwc:scientificNameAuthorship), URL of the taxon name web page (`schema:sameAs`).

Canonical URL
Input argument
taxon name identifier (GBIF key). Mandatory.
Passed as the object of predicate
Example value: 7707728
Service Description graph
SHACL shapes graph
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