Service name and URL Data source Service description Keywords
flickr/getPhotoById_sd/ Flickr API Retrieve a photo from Flickr using its internal identifier photography, flickr, photo, picture, snapshot
flickr/getPhotosByTags_sd/ Flickr API Search photos that match all of the given tags on Flickr photography, flickr, photo, picture, snapshot
flickr/getPhotosByTaxon_sd/ Flickr API Search photos of biological species on Flickr photography, photo, biodiversity, lifesciences, fauna, flora, species, media
gbif/getClassificationByID_sd/ GBIF API Retrieve from GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility) the classification of a taxon given by its taxon name identifier. biodiversity, lifesciences, fauna, flora, species, gbif, taxonomy, sparql, microservice, taxon, scientific name
gbif/getOccurrencesByName_sd/ GBIF API Retrieve occurrences of a taxon from GBIF using its scientific name biodiversity, gbif, taxon, occurrence
gbif/getSynonymsByID_sd/ GBIF API SPARQL micro-service to retrieve from GBIF the synonyms of a taxon using its name identifier (GBIF key) biodiversity, lifesciences, fauna, flora, species, gbif, sparql, microservice, taxon, scientific name
gbif/getTaxonByID_sd/ GBIF API SPARQL micro-service to retrieve information from GBIF about a taxon using its name identifier (GBIF key) biodiversity, lifesciences, fauna, flora, species, gbif, sparql, microservice, taxon, scientific name
gbif/getTaxonByName_sd/ GBIF API SPARQL micro-service to retrieve information from GBIF about a taxon using a scientific name biodiversity, lifesciences, fauna, flora, species, gbif, sparql, microservice, taxon, scientific name
pubmed/getArticleByPMCId_sd/ PubMed Central API Retrieve articles from PubMed Central using their PMCID pubmed, publication, metadata, article, litterature
pubmed/getArticleByPMId_sd/ PubMed Central API Retrieve artibles from PubMed using their PubMed ID pubmed, publication, metadata, article, litterature
pubmed/getArticleByQuery_sd/ PubMed Central API Retrieve articles from PubMed given a Pubmed query pubmed, publication, metadata, article, litterature